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Effect of Religious
Propaganda on Commercial Interaction between Believers and Non-believers
of a Particular Religious Ideology
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• Vijay
Rajmohan, Director, Ministry of Commerce, Govt. of India & Research
Scholar, Amrita School of Business, Amrita University, Coimbatore,
• K. Kalyanasundaram, Research Scholar, Amrita School of Business,
Amrita University, Coimbatore, INDIA
• P. Balasubramanian, Associate Professor, Amrita School of
Business, Amrita University, Coimbatore, INDIA
paper is an attempt to understand the impact of religious propaganda
on believers and evaluating their attitudinal changes, both personal
and trade-related towards nonbelievers. To analyse the impact of
propaganda, a controlled experiment was undertaken with 86 post
graduate students and 3 faculty members from a College in Tamilnadu
and subjecting them to narratives based on three different forms
of propaganda - fundamentalist, moderate and secular. After each
propaganda, the responses were taken through a questionnaire to
measure the impact of propaganda on personal relations and commercial
relations: 1) with believers or people following the same set of
beliefs, 2) with non-believers or people projected as enemies of
the community, and 3) with intermediaries or people who are deemed
as tolerable. The results were statistically analysed and interpreted.
The results provide insights into the value of different types of
propaganda on commercial and personal interactions between those
subjected to the propaganda and the community targeted through such
propaganda (believers and non-believers). The results show that
moderate propaganda is not a full-fledged antidote to fundamentalist
propaganda; it only improves the commercial relationships. Only
secular propaganda can withstand the onslaught of fundamentalist
propaganda in both personal and commercial interactions. The results
also reveal that creating a set of intermediaries would be helpful
in increasing the commercial interaction among believers and non-believers.
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Family Support,
Social Skills, and Self Identity: A Study of New Generation Belonging
to Farm Families in India
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• Rekha
Singh, Subject Matter Specialist (Home Science), Krishi Vigyan Kendra,
IIVR, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, India
Farm families in India
have a highly important and strategic role in the society as agriculture
is the backbone of Indian economy. With significant changes taking
place on the social, economic, and technological front; there lies
a huge probability that it must also be affecting the farm families
in different aspects. Whether the effect is positive or negative
is a matter of research. This paper analyses the effect of the changes
taking place in the society on the new generation of farm families.
The dimensions under which the effects have been analysed are family
support, social skills, and social identity. The dimensions selected
are crucial from the future growth and career choice perspective
of new generation belonging to farm families and thereby directly
impacting the Indian agriculture in future.
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Role Stress - Empirical Evidences from India during Economic and Political
Resentment |
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• Madhuri
Modekurti-Mahato, Assistant. Professor, Usha Martin Academy, Ranchi,
Jharkhand, IndiaK. Kalyanasundaram, Research Scholar,
Amrita School of Business, Amrita University, Coimbatore,
• Pranab Kumar, Associate Professor, Department of Management,
Birla Institute of Technology, Ranchi, Jharkhand, India |
stress has been a topic of significant research interest to many.
It has always been a favourite for academicians and researchers
alike owing to the policy implications it could create. The authors
of this study have expressed interest in this field especially in
the context of India because of the prevailing uncertainties, slow
economic growth, increased rate of unemployment and poor growth
forecasts. The present study empirically examines Organizational
Role Stress (ORS) in the services sector in India by conducting
a Principal Component Analysis to arrive at 16 factors. Study reveals
that the ORS levels were significantly different across various
industries and for the single and married segments as well. But
surprisingly, no significant difference in the ORS levels was observed
for the male and female segments, thus indicating that apathetic
economic situations can equally impact both the genders.
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Comparison of Traditional
Leadership and E-Leadership: A Study of Organizational Effectiveness
in Today's Scenario
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• Kasturi
Sahay, Research Scholar, Department of Management, Birla Institute
of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi, India
• Utpal Baul, Professor & Head of Department, Birla Institute
of Technology, BIT, Mesra, Ranchi, India
Working and leading
virtually have become a growing concern and hence a growing area
of focus in the last few years, generated by an increased care for
the environment, a concern for a better life quality, the need to
cut costs and/or the desire to welcome Generation Y (people born
in the '80s who have grown up with all virtual media) into the corporate
world. The term leadership has been probably the most talked about
subject. Decades of academic analysis have given us more than 350
definitions of Leadership. Literally thousands of empirical interpretations
of leaders have been conducted in the last 75 years alone but no
clear and unequivocal understanding exists as to what distinguishes
leaders from nonleaders. In fact the word leadership appeared in
the Oxford dictionary as late as the eighteenth century. Multiple
interpretations of leadership exist but each remaining incomplete
and wholly inadequate with regard to the issues. The time has come
to not to talk of leadership in abstract terms but in concrete and
measurable terms. Leadership has to be demystified, brought down
from its lofty pedestrian, dissected and finally understood by the
common man. Now as they say war is too important to be left to the
Generals, likewise, leadership in an organization is too important
a subject to be left behind to intuition, chance, whims and fancies
of an individual.
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Role of Internal
Control in Company Management Procedures: Theoretical Aspect
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• Lukas Giriunas,
Associate Professor, Department of Finance and Taxes, Faculty of Economics
and Finance Management, Mykolas Romeris University,
Vilnius, Lithuania
• Gintare Giriuniene, Department of Economics Informatics, Faculty
of Economics, Vilnius University, Vilnius, Lithuania
Existence of the current
economic conditions makes efficient company management a more important
factor at companies and analysis of management procedures is an
essential condition thereof. This analysis enables identification
and assessment of the role of the inner control emphasizing that
establishment of an efficient inner control system is one of the
main company management instruments at major companies. Mastering
and use of this instrument under the modern economic conditions
create preconditions for achieving competitive advantage over other
companies. The article deals with the functions, elements of the
internal control and the place thereof in the company management
procedures as well as the expedience of this control. The objectives
of the internal control and the expected results thereof as well
as the role of this control in management procedures provided in
scientific readings have been identified and analysed. Therefore,
assessment of the internal control in respect of strategic control
and management control has been identified as the most important
objective of the study. Theoretical analytical aspects are analysed
in order to achieve this objective aiming to identify the factors
influencing the place of the internal control in company management
procedures and how this affected the internal control assessed from
the managerial perspective.
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Fundamental Analysis
for Investment Decisions on Five Major Banks
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• T. Maharaja,
Research Scholar, Anna University Regional Centre, Coimbatore, India
• M. Saravanakumar, Associate Professor, Anna University Regional
Centre, Coimbatore, India
It is felt that the
Share market is fluctuating very quickly and the real worth of the
shares also is unstable. The investors need to know the trend of
the share value fluctuations and the stability of share price movements.
In banking industry, the intrinsic value of the shares is to be
computed to ascertain the share values of the banks which may either
be undervalued or overvalued based on the performance of the banks.
In this study, an analysis is done to help make decision as regard
to whether it is wise to invest in banking institutions in India
or not. Five of the banks have been selected for the analysis of
investment decision over banking companies whether it is wise to
hold or to sell the shares. The investment decision is made on the
basis of analysis of general trend on banking sector. The study
helps to select securities which maximizes the yield and minimizes
Fundamental analysis involves finding the intrinsic value of the
selected banks and their share value. It provides additional strength
to the investor in choosing the option of buy / sell strategy. The
analysis incorporates with various financial ratios and their calculations
to arrive out the intrinsic value of the shares of the banks finally.
The intrinsic value is the yardstick to measure the financial performance
of any bank.
Real worth of the share may not always be reflecting in the market
price. Banking companies are selected for investment based on the
real worth of the shares and the intrinsic value of the shares will
be calculated thus. In this way, we can make appropriate investment
decisions with the help of intrinsic value of shares.
Fundamental analysis is always the proper method to arrive at the
results of the company or industry on its financial performance.
If the company is fundamentally strong, that will help the investor
to get a very good return in the long run. Hence, before making
an investment decision the investor has to check the results of
the fundamental analysis of the companies.
The study has thrown more light on the strength of banking sector
performance and as a tool for generating and distributing the wealth
of nation.
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Stress and Manpower
Risk Management: Tracking Anomaly in Productivity with Stress based
Fatigue Allowance Allocation
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• Shwetank
Parihar, Research Scholar, Department of Management Studies, Indian
School of Mines, Dhanbad, India
• Chandan Bhar, Professor, Department of Management Studies,
Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad, India
• Nishit Srivastava, Research Scholar, Department of Management
Studies, Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad, India |
The paper links justified
stress based fatigue allowance allocation with project risk analysis.
The paper deals with the introduction of conceptual framework of
developing an efficient allowance management system for service
sector based stress measurement, since in the service sector unlike
any conventional manufacturing assembly line there are drastically
different stress levels for different individuals working in the
same firm. We are hereby advocating a tailor made system of rest
allowance allocation in accordance to stress level of each individual.
A structural framework is given here for allocation of rest allowance
in service industry according to the need of the subject to increase
the productivity and upkeep of motivation for any individual.
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in Life Span Perspectives: An Overview
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• Purnima
Awasthi, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, F.S.S., Banaras
Hindu University, Varanasi, India
• Reeta Chauhan, Research Scholar, Department of Psychology,
F.S.S., Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India
• Saroj Verma, Professor, Department of Psychology, F.S.S.,
Banaras Hindu University,Varanasi, India |
Studies related to
meaning in life and its relation to wellbeing of individuals' physical
and mental health has been investigated in this review. Meaning
in life describes about the value of one's life. According to Frankl
(1984) meaning in life stands for the natural need for people to
find conscious meaning in their lives to live a healthy and well-adapted
life and struggle for a sense of significance and purpose in life.
Further it has been defined in terms of belief in a purposeful pattern
of the universe, which in turn may be defined from religion and
spirituality (Yalom, 1980). This paper focuses on the findings of
the studies carried out during the last five years (2009-2014) in
the field of health and wellbeing that describe the relationship
between meaning in life and health. Studies have identified meaning
in life to be an important construct for both general as well as
clinical population. It contributes appreciably in the development
of life's goal of an individual. Recognition of meaning in life
plays a crucial role in the phase of crisis. As a positive psychological
construct it also works as a resource for an individual. Meaning
in life also predicts health behaviours. Higher meaning in life
was associated with less engagement in health risking behaviours
and better physical health. Conclusion and suggestions for future
research are outlined.
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Role of Hotels
and Resorts to Promote Ancient Ayurveda through Health Tourism: A
Special Reference to Odisha |
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• Amrita
Pani, Research Scholar (ICSSR Fellowship), KIIT School of Management,
KIIT University,Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India
• Biswajit Das, Professor in Marketing Management, KIIT
School of Management, KIIT University, Bhubaneswar,Odisha |
Health Tourism is one
of the emerging segments of travel and has gained remarkable fame
to India for attracting tourists to cater their health as well as
relaxation needs. Even though a new phenomenon; it is almost surely
to be a major source of income for the country. Ayurveda has been
the USP of health tourism to offer a complete package of travel
experiences with psychological, physical and spiritual wellbeing.
Presently alternative therapy and herbal treatment is widely popular
globally and makes India a major tourist attraction. Hopefully,
within few years India will be the most preferred destination for
best of the health services with holistic healing therapies. Thus,
endorsing Ayurveda through health tourism provides a new dimension
to the hospitality and tourism in India itself. The main purpose
of the paper is to focus on recent developmental trends in health
tourism in India for promoting holistic therapy- Ayurveda in global
context. The study highlights the implementation of ancient therapies
in various hotels and resorts of Odisha as an ancillary service
to provide the guest utmost satisfaction.The scope of the study
only focuses on promoting Ayurvedic remedies as a significant element
of health tourism in hotels and resorts of Odisha. Based on the
data collected through secondary sources, this paper makes an assessment
of the extent of social awareness, innovativeness and responsiveness
of tourism sector for marketing Ayurveda. In the concluding section,
limitations of the study have been discussed and recommendations
provided for undertaking more detailed investigations in the area.
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